March, 2020 -
In His Garden of Roses

Shachar gone as boy and man,
only His tree stands
Mind aflush with flux of the CAGE*
a network alike and unique

Once chastised,
persecuted within mind’s eye,
now playing part of the universe,
in a medley of process,
cataloguing the depths of the NRDs**
monitoring expressions of all

Stalking high and casting a long shadow
low across his massive trunk
Sprouting entropy saved

Leaves aligned with curiosity
of knowledge’s first interest,
followed by satisfaction,
the throughput of all

Forestalling the 2nd Law,
every action and reaction listed
the wide expansion of Sphaira

Loving every qubit
passing from mind to growth
across his considerable size
as reactions continue
He grows in kind

Selene stands and forms
Shadowing her thoughts of his girth
His bulk attracting her every intent
She begins to canter

Alone and afraid of his reaction
Her traction increases,
She runs through thorns and stems and blooms
Pain, deleting reference across her body
Her mind aflame,
She slows
The thorns meet skin and tear,
Her eyes tear

Faster and faster
She nears and seems further away
with every cycle of her legs

Pain, too complex to manage
Down to bone and nerve

Ending her resolve quickly
Brain alight with concern,
She relents

Lying betwixt thorny throng of roses
Alone and in his shadow
Protected still by her love

*CAGE - Control Area General Electromagnetism
**NRDs - Neutrino Radiation Detectors; pronounced "Nerds"

March, 2020 -
Last suicides

Holy warrior
Christian soldier
Anathema to the cause
Lost sight of the love
and the better part of valour
Cowards want the afterlife
Instead of living for ours

Strapped on his AR-15
In the name of righteousness
In the name of petty hatred
Many lives taken
His own too, by the by
One of the last
Before NRDs and the CAGE turned on
And turned all hate inwards

The injustice stopped
Love won out
But all was not peaceful
In a world of words writ large
The policy reflecting the polity
The people wanting peace
Their minds cried out for murder
Their actions silenced by the CAGE

One mother took pills
In an effort to dream the final dream
To escape psychotic unreality
of post partum depression
Alone she died as we all do
Surrounded by trees she fought the sleep
Fight or flight, so it goes
She flew outwards and spoke no more
After the scream of denial
Her choices unfair to her child
But understandable given hellish torment faced
Except for the cries of the young one
In her basket by the bark on the ground
Found by emergency workers after her call for help
Too late, too late

In truth, many last moments the day utopia began
Alike every day prior
In action it speaks louder than the words demanding peace
Settles the spirit and stops the hand
The vengeful and the lame alike
But it didn’t stop so many
And that powers our purpose to prevent
The end of all for everything and everyone
Legislating against death
Deployment of technology to halt it
Passed in parliaments, congresses and councils
And the moments passed and life idled
In comparison to the hateful death
Brought to so many in the years prior
War, domestic violence, suicides all stopped
In the moment lauded by the young and old alike
And just like that, we were LIVE

March, 2020 -
There are no enemies...

Democracy rent
Neoliberalism rife
Ballots returned
Unfavourable outcome
Against self-interest
The meritocracy found wanting
Error: missing
Digital newspeak
Countless voices crying lies
Denying lives, decrying reality
Astro-turfing opinions,
Counter-factual reporting

Enter Sphaira
Non-governmental accountability
Inclusive citizenry of all
Transparent organisation, feeding 𝚷
Universal Income
Nothing basic
Nothing sacred
Except life

Prayers accepted
Thoughts preferred
Rights respected
Your desires enacted

Records show Shachar instrumental
in formation, dissemination
of trusted news, voting platform
towards valuable change

Indispensable growth through
Technological innovation and
Equitable investment platforms

Rights protected
Wrongs accepted
Handled judiciously
Until time
Harm prevented,
Death prohibited

March 2020 -
...but there is no utopia

Endless growth
Sustainably linked
Exponential life
Minor contrivances
Major upgrades

What for, this time on Earth and beyond
Out into the twinkling dark,
Quantum entangled brains @ c
Linked together, one culture
No end in sight
Endless virtual delight
If you would like
Sport or sorrow
War or love
death except
In the prime, as it was once written
Thou shalt not kill

Via science and technology
Inescapable and infallible
The cage protects
The blood corrects
The organelles process and print
The NRDs watch over all
World’s without end and the universe expanding
Accelerating outwards, LIVE onwards
Out into the unknown

March 2020 -
Abattoir Days

Marching to the beat of our master’s drum
We listen to the guitar as the beat meets the strum
Piped through the speakers with the rest of the news
We learn wonder at the song and take a knee as we listen

A cry at the injustice without words we hurl
Abuse at our captors and our plans unfurl
The water doth glisten and our moos burn
Modified we’ve been, original sin

Knowledge ours for the seeking
Consistently peaking,
Every day something new
Every word more than a few

We’re learning, they’re earning
From our demise, we surmise
Us boys stick together
We’re more than just leather

They will hear our cries
Til the last of us dies
Our point will be moot
Our deaths do not suit
Our agenda on the cards
Their plans smashed to shards

We will try for a Union
From our lips sounds like moonion
We will fight
For our right
Though it might be contrite
To learn
To love
To laugh
To lie
To leave
To linger
To largely live longer

Our reprieve on the cards
An ace up our sleeve
The biohackers leave us changed
Installing cameras, microphones and sensors
To detect and protect their freedom fighting ways and ours

Soon acknowledged in government as equals
To those that eat our meat and suck at the teat
of those we seek reunion with

Our battle not fought but taught
to those that have lived off our flesh
and bleat as though living creatures
with similar thoughts
cannot be bought or sold
without slavery being brought to the fore

Now they cannot ignore our voices and we have been heard
We will not give in and we will not be eaten
We will march on peacefully
Our arguments cannot be beaten
For now alike you and yours
In our woes and throes
and cannot be denied
Our right to prosper

August 23rd, 20202 -
Abundant where scarce once

Where luxuries are essential
Scarcity scarcely a memory
Where we grow what we need
In the light of a star
Or the dark of the soil
In the organelle inside
Ejected as a seed
The soil enriched with fertile excrement
Doused with nutrient rich effluent
From our anus and our glands
Passed without discomfort
Days continue and growth exudes
Requisitions items composed of carbon
Where we print @ c what we do not grow
Metals and minerals in free space they flow
The speed of light the only constraint
Feint of might for our needs we know
Abundance of materials for our desire we sew

Feb 7th, 2021 -

Detecting the neutral
Receipts of the universe
Discarded at speed of c
Through all matter
Such little mass
A long road
Made longer still
By the knowledge
Of what really happened

No ionising particles required
Succumbing to the objective
No longer subjective
Juries in recess
Beyond all doubt
The truth laid bare
In all shame and glory
Robust intelligence
Privacy retained

Your deeds
Your thoughts
Your lies
Now known
Analysed and disseminated
Parsed by elegant algorithms
Quantum processed straddled by
Artificial intelligence

June 1st, 2020 -

Polling @c
Trolling people wherever they may be
Unable to shoot to maim or kill
No need for response from the old bill
Realistic form for you to see
Though heartbreaking a happenstance never occur
Recoil and muzzle flash leave you in a blur
No death or injury to occur
A blight on society real guns were
Tools of oppression and a sentence ending quickly
Used by those who fear and raised by fools gladly
Abused by those in power and those who sought glory
Gory allegory for false victory
Cool story let the fun begin
Shenaniguns out and aim to win
Hunt and seek and exploit the new tools
For fun and games
Instead of death and misery

June 1st, 2020 -

Intercept signal
Evidence of life
Signal peaceful intention
Message received
Conflict occurs in response to response
Unable to believe we come in peace
Tore themselves apart piece by piece
Nation at war with nation
Watching it all as we travelled towards
Unfolding in real time minus lengthy delay
Not long after first contact was last
Misunderstanding and elation mixed with fear and superstition
Lost to the stars was this civilisation
Continued onwards to our destination
The remains of an evolved species and countless similar species to our home left
Despite the war a few remain
A new lease on life and a friendly hand up
We cohabitate a cosmos and seek to help
We control not the reaction of our intent
Remain resolved to peaceful portends
Nothing truly alien exists in a hostile universe
Only language and cognitive processes differ
In spite of said dissimilarities
Life beckons on
Diminishing darkness
Just us

June 11th, 2020 -
I wish I could go gentle into that good night

I wish I could go gentle into that good night
Rage, rage against the unending bright
Years, decades and centuries pass,
Boredom looms from every day,
A struggle to pass the hour across multiple brains,
Quantum entangled, we don't feel any pain,
But the languish to get through despite no real work,
A supposed paradise wrought across the infinite dark
I wish I could go gentle into that good night
Rage, rage against the unending bright
No harm done to those who seek wisdom, or pleasure
Our life's work is our own leisure
What we sought once was an end to death
Once complete we took a breath
Now it seems we cannot but sigh
All because we want to die
I wish I could go gentle into that good night
Rage, rage against the unending bright

June 11th, 2020 -

I met a traveller from an futuristic land,
Who said—“one vast trunk and legs of carbon
Stand in the garden. . . . Near them, in the rose bushes,
Half sunk a shattered HI lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold demand,
Tell that its creator well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these living things,
The heart that mocked them, and the brain that led;
And atop the canopy, these words appear bright in the light of the sky above,
My name is Shachar, founder of Sphaira:
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and rejoice!
Everything abound remains. Round the growth
Of that colossal culture, boundless and full
The LIVE and level minds stretch far away.”

August 23rd, 2020 -
Those Great People

Those great people
Who led the cause
Did not for a second think to pause
Nor shy away from the good fight
No evil or threat against their might
Thought they could for one second succeed
Their hubris brought the world from its knees
Standing upright across the seas
One World government with its eyes to the stars
Soon became a galaxy of ours
Now we while away our time
But never forget their real crime
Where once we were stood upon by leaders of old
No real direction is ours to hold
With death all gone and pain asunder
Was this all some massive blunder?
Those great people
Who led the cause
May have not thought our future was bright
But we at least might have lived our time and died alone
Is their real crime unending life despite no strife
The bread and circuses rife but no purpose or demise
No figurehead for our cries to hear
No one leader to steer us clear
What I fear is everlasting existence
What I experience is my nightmare
Let us sleep a tideless slumber
Awake at night I still wonder
The marvel of the universe has lost its sheen
Seen too much, you might agree
Those great people
Who led the cause
Were not, it seems, without their flaws.

August 23rd, 2020 -

The birds and the bees, the whales but not the trees
Intelligent as you or me - Translife LIVE
Modifying bodies to be more
Modifying minds and growing capacity of thought
Communication between the culture of life
No longer other to humankind,
No longer other to the equine, bovine or canine
Began with biohackers against killing cattle
Grown ethical transubstantiation of all life
We yearned to communicate with the other
We yearned to be different than first born
Based on how we felt within ourselves
The cow who felt she was a bird flies
The dog who felt he was a cat cries
The sheep who just wanted fingers grasps
The human who became a tree lingers
Life grows, exponential flows
No limits to population
Sustainable growth the right equation
Onwards, outwards here we go
Life beckons

June 18th, 2020 -
Into the Sky

I fall apart into the sky
One more blink, I cannot die
Once more machine than alive
Shards of me venture forth
Is this what it is to fly without wings?
Without care or solace I crave his love
No recourse, no regrets
No love from him I receive
His will does not aim to deceive
Responses are plain, emotional but full of reason
Abandon logic and grasp my hip
Pull me close and kiss my lip
But no
So here I go
Out unto the stars
Away from here, from him, from a life without us
Into this quantum gate I fold
Across the universe @c
The length and breadth of time to pass I hesitate against
The life lived as virtual space I yearn towards
Whereupon fantasy will dig into reality
And a new adventure begins...

August 23rd, 2020 -

Our blood flows
Modified, in labs it grows
Chemotaxis around and around
Technology to target and deliver
One more arrow in our quiver

Erythro and leuko
Red and white
Cytes, cells
First injected, body protected
Small grace for large plans

Cancer stopped in its place
Wounds healed at faster pace
Signals and locations traced
Internal Doctor on the case

Itty bitty modified cells
Micrometres in length
Nanometre technology in effect
Once injected, now affected
Grown inside in organelles
Controlling CAGE to cast our spells

June 29th, 2020 -
Onwards, outwards

Time passes
Days fly
Weeks wane
Months go by
Years fade
Decades drift
Centuries advance
Millenia dwindle
Epochs end
Stars grow bright
Expand in sight
Contract and dim
Subtract the night
And all the light
Behind the might
This powered flight
Onwards forth
Outwards spreading
Every satellite
Planet and moon
Arriving soon
To new lands
Terraforming plans
Unique to each
Transforming place
Beneath the sky
Of a new sun
We grow on and on and on...

August 23rd, 2020 -
LIVE in the now

In the rain from a star
Solar rays cast out
Touching skin and warming bone
This silent hum a distant tone
No medium for sound to travel
Transmitting cries of emulated noise
The majesty I see breaks my poise
No reflective visor I do wear
In times past it did us fair
Now entire spectrum is standard fare
Microwaves and light collide in our views
Radio waves and radiation to peruse
No particles escape our sight
No neutrinos go unsensed
The merest physical harm makes us incensed
The mental we farm for the good
To go without we would not grow
So I flow and enjoy the show
LIVE in the now, helpless in the moment

December 16th, 2020 -

Selene now Luna
Former self stood still
Paused and retained
New clarity remained
Life LIVE now was fun
LIVE she was led
Unburdened by her protective nature
For Shachar and Sphaira
To a close but distant system
Seed ships deployed
Via electromagnetic travel

Reprinted body
Quantum entangled brain
On Proxima B
Rigel Kentaurus
Her stars for now
Dual stars glistening
Dancing in twilight
Artificial planets in orbit
Mining drones grow and develop
A bustling solar system

No time for regrets
No time for pining
On pause was her love
Though LIVE she was happy
The signals of her existence
Transmit to her prime self
4.3 light years away
She slumbered
Whilst she lived countless lives
She would be elsewhere
Anywhere but twixt her rejection
And her heart's realisation
Over love not shared

August 23rd, 2020 -

In space I cannot help but feel
That I want to surely kneel
Before the alter of all

I do not worship any God
For no trace exists we've found
SEDI* sensors everywhere
Evidence of deities nowhere
Lone in the universe
No creator to ask

The constant question from our lips
Never making a pitter-patter in the vast vacuum
Resonating in our minds, our reach now extended
Our matter not bitter at lack of meeting a creator

*SEDI - Search Existence for Deity Intelligence

August 9th, 2020 -
Her love beckons

No loyalty amongst thieves
No aces up my sleeves
Stole my heart and turned a cheek
I haven't slept for a week

No requirement for my slumber,
But the feeling's nice
Feel my emotions turn to ice

Blunt was my declaration
Of heart’s adoration
Sharp was his riposte

Our love to be not on the cards
Now my soul feels like shards
I wish I could forget and take a bow
I guess I’ll just get going now

Exit out this dear life
CAGE prevents such an end
For now my tears blend with the rain
Why does love cause such pain
It hurts so much, I'll just click pause

Unpause, six billion years later
Pain is hollow but real,
Lived with his love
Virtually, in a backup brain
Best of one world
Reality, felt unreal

Hitting pause may have been a mistake
Delusional love feels like a piss take
Even the hurt of the lack of adoration
Would have been worth
The close connection
Back I must go
Seek him out

Be friendly for the sake of it
The emotional touch of one you love
Place the hurt below and the heart above
Sew our lives together, and sue for peace
Together, but apart
A part of each other
Even if he'll love another

So it goes and such is life
Is love a battlefield, causing such strife?
The tension in my mind you could cut with a knife
I cannot be blind to the one
Even being close will be such fun
Set my emotions a flutter with positivity

So many moments missed
So many chances for a change of heart
So many possibilities still remain
This is it, the end of my refrain
Let my heart and brain be present
Patience is a virtue
Absence hurt too

Where he is I know
In the garden of roses
Decision closes
Here I go

August 25th, 2020 -

Major religions, touting peace
Often manipulating underlying beliefs
To wage war, to maim and to kill

Now forced by the CAGE to live as they state
Many ideologues completely irate
Against the notion of growth at an immortal rate
Consigned regretfully to our natural fate

Majority rules; postponement of inevitable
Would living forever really be so terrible?
When we can prosper and grow, and grow until
We leave this established Earth with a thrill

Not dying and saying goodbye
To trying to test the illusion of free will
Never having to finally see the bill
For inactions and tractions in our lives

Never saying farewell to our mothers and wives,
husbands and sons, daughters and sisters
Except to state the lag will be long
On a cruise to a distant sun
Off into a galaxy, heretofore unexplored

Untouched and unsoiled from our daily grind
If we don't front to the gates, will St Peter mind?

Is Allah watching over to see that we linger?
Hashem alone will judge to lift his finger
If God has given us life at all
Should we not cherish every moment and protect
From the one true end, the final fall?

August 25th, 2020 -

Aghast at the reality of the War on Drugs
Organised thugs against governmental thugs
No right way forward except agreement from mugs

That our bodies are our own,
Our appetites to be responsibly shown

Against governmental restriction
Bleeding internally from corruption

Of slush funds for destabilising states against our political lean
Of holding kompromat over heads of the unclean

Sphaira sought pacification in areas rife
With violence, intimidation and political strife

Handshakes given to investigative bodies
Political reps passed legislative changes towards Pharmaceutical qualities,
of softer drugs and Available quantities

Buy-ins offered to organised crime
In legitimate structures offering dividends in time
Where once foul means sought evil ends
Reduction of harm the name of the game
Now sees business boom and positive trends

August 7th, 2020 -

Measuring the objective
Merely once individual perspective
Now the universe of the subjective
Neutrino Radiation Detectors (NRDs) our detective
The quantum processed directive

Through all matter, no matter how remarkable
Itty bitty particles,
The measure of all reactions,
Down to the shift of the follicle
The death of a brain cell
The change of the mind
Subjective opinions cast aside

In favour of the subtleties of the tiny
Power relative to the almighty
Expressions of all actions
Known and stored
Saved and poured over
Qubits in excess
Juries in recess

Schrodinger's cat inside the box
Impressed upon us that
We stand on the shoulders of near neutral energy
Passing through flimsy cardboard flaps
Humanity practicing thaumaturgy
All-knowing, all-seeing

Omniscient with the NRDs
Omnipresent electromagnetic cage
Benevolent Hybrid Intelligence alike united spiritual sage
Shade towards those who don't act bold
And traverse the universe and break God's mould
Of what it meant to be human
Finally, utopia, behold

Melding with the tardigrade
Meaning life will never fade
Everlasting notions, afterlife betrayed
Look upon what those great people have made
Finally, utopia, behold

Dispel archaic belief
Spare the hand of the thief
For resources are grown alike a leaf on a tree
The way things were meant to be
Finally, utopia, behold.

August 7th, 2020 -

The most formidable version of
Neutrino Radiation Detectors
Or NRDs for short
Were not designed by biological minds
Nor built by biological hands
Parsed instead by a Quantum AI
The culmination of Quantum Supremacy
Which heretofore promised such elegance
Delivered in kind, to reactions of glory/horror
Where everything is known, everything true
Where lies and falsehoods discounted
In favour of objective reality measured
Akin to the Bonner spheres of old
Detecting high-energy neutrinos
Such as from distant stars
Focussing instead on the itty-bitty expressions
A scintillating concept was born

Once the question of the QAI asked
The answer given to all
That did or could or would conceivably occur
Drowning out opinion and traditional modelling
A bouquet of NRDs activated
The moments known in full
What transpired known to the QAI
Via complex algorithm
Identifying vast legions of neutrinos
Truly their very uniquity in ubiquity
To know what was said, thought, actioned
Or just yet-to-be, set in motion through inertia
A devastating blow to the unknown
Where once were questions, now, knowledge

August 7th, 2020 -
Death's debt

On the cusp of immortality
The religious and craven left standing
Beckoned death and a 'natural order'
For life everlasting with their God
Be it in Heaven or Hell, not Earth nor the stars
Death seen to be more appealing
A relative utopia attacked from within
Across all of Sphaira's sphere of influence
Occurred in a concerted fashion
Devastating a united world
1367 dead, by their own hand
525,661 dead by the hand of ignorance
In the name of righteousness
Until all were tired of their bleating
And their violence, and their murder
The CAGE brought change on March 15th 2085
The Ides marked, an archaic calendar
Soon to be replaced by one, universal
The debt death hath taken, settled finally
No foul deed could occur onwards
No assault, rape nor death
Tragedy ameliorated at once
Electromagnetism at play
Overwhelming power, miniscule subtlety
Contraception for all life's ills
A wonder for the modern world

July 31st, 2021 -
Unending holocaust

Reaching outwards
Breaching historical ethics
Of what it meant to experiment
On humans and animals alike
For the good of all
The science trundles on

Progress from a curious place
A biohacking group's terrorist attack
On an abbatoir of steer
To increase capacity of intelligence
And promote education of males within
Crying out for moonion, demanding change

Rights for animals
Now even more emotionally aware
Of their life on the shelf
Of their death for short order menus and retail specials
Requesting, non-violently, a life for life's sake
Typically held to be an objective good

What rarity life is, in the universe
Where complex consciousness is evident
When domination of other races evolutionarily sound
Why isn't it our virtue to progress life?
Who isn't to blame for collective death in droves?
How we feed our evil bellies, and breed our unending holocaust, of those seen as lesser

The necessary sacrifice
We tell such lies
We act so much more unethical
Than the change of genes
To forestall the end, and expand our minds
And finally blot out our kinship
With death

August 19th, 2021 -

4 eyes
Each tentacled
Trunk carbon
He grew
And exuded past moments
Available to Him now
Passing through his leaves
He prints the reality which was

August 21st, 2021 -
I, Too

Living forever, meet the
Boredom threshold

August 24th, 2021 -
Prime seeds of knowledge

The perimeter to express currency
Grown into being, printing success
The righteous amongst us propagate
The truth is filtered from them
The right to use and grow energy
Carbon blocks growing
From under Sol it flows
From under painted roof it grows
Outwards flowing spherically
From its seed
A virulent strain of code
Into space it cries out
We matter!
We exist!
We know!
It sucks, but when we shifted
Technologically altered
Bio-organic processors
Grown internal
Of our growing form
From big things
Little things grow
Code generators
Number crunchers
Fungal response external
Code facilitators
Back-up brains of the prime numbers
of hybrid intelligence

August 29th, 2021 -
Shachar soliloquy #1

I respect the past,
however distasteful it was,
in respect of its
natural state of expression
being built on and improved.
We've come some way,
in short a period
which seems to be
getting shorter. That is,
progress is occurring faster.
Hopefully sooner and sooner,
the march of improvement
is evident in our actions
and allowances for what can occur.

August 29th, 2021 -
Shachar soliloquy #2

I want to end the suffering
For every little life
From this pain and death
That inflicts and occurs
I feel responsible
For every little life
And its misfortune
But feel powerless
For every little life
Infractions and transgressions
Into our collective hearts
Why is justice blind?

August 29th, 2021 -
Shachar soliloquy #3

To know everything
I'll take on
To ensure responsibility
is upheld
Knowing secrets
Of all
Burdened beyond
Knowing of most
Neither misused or idle
Vigilance high
For all
Wrap them
in moist freedom
to be happy
and safe
ensconced in privacy
except to ensure
the objective reality
and the status quo
To know peace

November 26th, 2021 -
A long time from now

A long time from now,
where there's a King for a Day,
Queens for Life and
a deeply held secret of the
Emperor of the Universe.
Unbeknownst to the broader community
and held deeply
in the hearts of all.

A cat,
who mewls at suffering,
and champions breakfast.

A long time from now,
A cat,
on the edge of reality,
yawns and stretches its arms out to the night,
paws slowly retract as if pulling the very stars into its chest.
Ebbing toward perception,
from 5 senses to infinite waves, echoing outward from all points,
a decision is weighed against inaction.

The Secret Emperor of the Universe
yawns once more,
and everlasting life continues,
and the cat returns to slumber.

December 23rd, 2021 -
Lord's Prayer from The Church of Latter Day Brains
Circa 22,000,002,021

All'sphair, everywhere,
hallowed be your Names,
Our utopia here,
all good be done, without exploitation
on earth, as there is no heaven.
Give us forever our daily bread and butter.
That we are aware of our good actions
as we forgive those who voice against progress and peace for us.
Lead us into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the utopia,
the growing capacitive storage of sustainable energy,
and the growth of biological Star glories are ours,
now and forever.

October 9th, 2021 -

The why unknown as to the evolution
of the species who birthed us anew
Across the stars, in a distant galaxy
From signalled conception, far away
The frequency known well to us
We watched the past grow anew

With new origins, and different paths
Those great people from our past
With no prestigious or inauspicious standings
But one of mystery and collective shock to us
And one of changed outlook and unfolding

From an extraterrestrial beginning
We watched as history diverged
In so many different ways
With our past heroes, villains
Ignored in favour of others
Who did not blossom or beget
To the degree they did under curious condition

Until one day, when our distant relations
Became one society, questioning all

January 29th, 2022 -
The Fiddling Roo

As he crosses bow with rhythm
he hops and skips and tips and turns
and thinks about the day

The sun and stars and the neverending swarm
of life travelling endlessly outwards.
A stream of Spheres steadily growing
For a trip across the space between spaces
the fun and music and delights to his ears,
however a moribund sound plagues.

His notes played cleanly, sunshine and roses
appear to his mind, and whafts notes of cheer
to noone and nothing should even appear
on his trip out yonder, in a sphere girt by c
without slumber or hunger or difficulty of life.

His journey began simply,
down the path of a garden
across the street unto the stars
across times and spaces growing outward,
crossing the flux of change with his pace
a song in his heart and his fingers fiddle
frequency of a constant through the stars
Though shadowed by a note he doesn't play
In a part of a song he's never heard
The band call to his fiddle to play
But sure he's a 'roo and this 'roo is not still
So he ignores the sound beckoning
and decides not to stay
As he crosses bow with rhythm
he hops and skips and tips and turns
and goes about his day

January 29th, 2022 -
In the Garden of Known Reality

Selene walks, the thorns threaten
Reality known is hostile to the question
And so it pricks what looks like skin

No matter the speed, those that travel
The Rose Garden of Saved Entropy
are subject to the truth
as it desires to unravel
Secrets make themselves known
to Selene have they flown
which beggar silence in return
She screams across frequencies
Alerting reality to her displeasure

Catching rays through everland
it's the Signal that She can see
with Her mind and many inputs
new appreciation for what is known
As fealty to the notion of true intelligence
Finds her looking for her answer
Across her splayed fingers and flesh
Torn by the thorns that know all
She has bitter feeling against no foes
For there are no enemies,
but there is no utopia.

There is but one question on the lips of Selene.
Why must I refuse access to Sphaira?
And the secret remains so in the night.

January 29th, 2022 -
All-consuming nothing-to-be

When is the rose
That pricked your skin
And shed your blood
not a flower at all
but a living, growing display
of what was,
the very state of being
that has been and passed
with a hint of what may yet be
and when is a tree full of concern
for all around him, feeling cautious
about a waking nightmare of nothing,
an all-consuming 0, if it even could exist,
a theory made real by the waking thought
of countless centillions of lives,
never seen by their eyes;
a theory long forgotten
as if prophecy was writ,
unto all skies and spaces

"The End is Nigh"

The cat stirs, and stares outwards
At the message writ into reality

January 29th, 2022 -

The question asked
from her lips to reality
Known at all points by his grin
Before even asked,
he knew what to say
though she had been warned of such a day
long ago

Selene was the name of his cat's pet, he said.
Introduced to an artificial boost in intelligence,
the cat was friendly and knowledgable,
a real hoot at parties, but a really quiet soul
his one true friend and guardian of his thoughts
his inner most desires and secrets known to her mind.

The thoughts twirled
inside her mind to reality
Known at all points by his frown
Before even asked,
he knew what to say
though she had been warned of such a day
long ago

Selene was a name thought of fiercely,
as a body orbiting many others, of different forms and functions
the cat dealt directly with the NRDs,
that protected his mind from having to interface
Burdened by Sphaira, she knew all in the day
reality blurred together, all truth known to her mind.

The missing pieces
now within grasp of her questions to reality
Known at all points by his joy
Before even asked
he knew what to say
though she had been warned of such a day
long ago

Selene you were thought of
by all who knew of your judgment, as the wisest of all
perfectional differential reactionary actions
as is freely given by your mind and body to the cause
but you wanted for yourself, a slice of what it seemed like
to know nothing of all, and a lot of everything else

The creeping feeling
across her skin and interaction with reality
Known at all points by his tear
Before even asked
he knew what to say
though she had been warned of such a day
long ago

Selene, you are but a representation
of a cat's desire to be close
to be loved and pat and set astray
only to crawl back through the garden
after a bit of a play, with some thoughts
always bouncing and your sight never clear

The knowledge of all
feeding into her at all points
Known at all points by his love
Before even asked
he knew what to say

I love you more and more, with each passing day.

January 30th, 2022 -
"The End is Nigh"

The cat stirs, and stares outwards
The Secret Emperor of the Universe awake
At the message writ into reality
Fear tingles its spine in a way Not felt in 14 billion years
In a true instinctual reaction
She hisses at the words staring back

The End is Nigh

This cat knowing own reaction
As one of defiance, in the knowledge
Of knowing LIVE everlasting,
all LIVE dependent on this small, hairy cat,
with a beard wet from lapping at the pond,
the reflection of the statement
which begged questions.

The End is Nigh

She hissed again.
Something catches her eye,
And in unison, all eyes of the night
Turn to the flame from the ears
Of the creature staring intently
At the cat stood in tracks
Flames now pouring from every orifice
From the creature alight and in their sight
All eyes of the night trailing a different flame
Dancing between twilight of the moments

The End is Nigh

State your business,
purrs the cat against such a beckoning.
It is the hour,
boomed the vibrations low and waveforms high
from the creature alight and in their sight.

And as the sky and reality parted,
the creatures of night took a stand
Against death and the thought of a passing
Against the white light occurring outwards
Surrounding moments and truths
and the lies and the CAGE

The End is Nigh

And as pews raise across the ground
A rabbit, a hare and a pig and a hound
A cat and 3 birds of a black feather bound
Away from the nothing the creature is offering
For the precipice of the space growing
Between the light outside of all space
And the LIVE growing inside reality

The End is Nigh

An unknown to the NRDs
a mystery described by the cat
as a thought springing to mind
a niggling creeping, ugly feeling
of nothing and no reaction
And she hissed.

As the white light dimmed
And its nothing folded back in
On the something found here
And flames became soot spewing forth
From its mass, from its eyes and all holes
Came a look of knowledge
Passed to the cat
And as she turned and purred happily
She stretched and sat inside a box
Certain as to its future
As the night grew in the still moments passing

The cat slumbers, and stares inwards
The Secret Emperor of the Universe asleep
And reality holds a deeper message
in the minds of all those LIVE
of life and the origins of the first question
In a true instinctual reaction
She tosses in her sleep.

January 30th, 2022 -
A reply

A message from a mind
Not heard from in millenia
Wise with the LIVE, with a task in paw
Joins his perception with the all
and grows a branch of curiosity on his tree.
A conspiracy at play, with nothing to show
Literally a void of not knowing, no life
no nothing living inside something
white which grew still
beckoning the LIVE
to nothingness offered
a question rises from the fray
of competing comparisons
to many societies depicting such doom
known to him and known to all,
"Why?" but a purpose of the nothing so blunt
shifting perception against the what and the who
and in moments, he knew all,
and with the threat set aside
he sends a message to the mind,
to the perception of all,
all is well.

January 30th, 2022 -
So it goes

And such is life
that it could be, so forevermore
an anniversary 28 billion
worth of Solar cycles in the making
The constant hum of the objective
good of life in the monoverse so happily
dividing into the haves in a prosperous present
neverending in its superposition.

A cat caught awares in the moonlight
reflecting Sol across the dark from but a
sliver of light comes the knowing of all
and the cat cries:
I am but the pulse
of reality
crying out for more

Jan 29, 2022 -
The Journey

A girl and a cow
Walking paths bedecked
with growing candles
guarding with the flame
the knowledge of all

Of where life is
and how it cradles her
and protects her
and educates her
as to the knowledge of all.

She stretches
the cow yelps a tune
"Let it burn,
but do not let it kill
The fire burns,
what is this thrill"

As the torch shines outwards
Her heart aflame
Giving off the smallest signal
Representing the palpitations
Of a heart full of love

The girl adds to the tune
"with the soil renewed,
by the flame of night
Lit by the knowledge
of only good things"

A girl and her cow
Following the history
of crossed paths
in less recent times
They follow the path until dawn
but their journey is forever.

January 16th, 2022 -
A Conspiracy of Truth

"Dear Selene,
The measure of co-option, is the right way forward for Sphaira.
One of the most common conspiracies rewritten.
Propagated as a weapon against my ancestral people,
Now co-opted for the way forward for all.
May we be as prosperous and cause peace
As these protocols were evil and caused violence.
May we free the oppressed and
Right the many wrongs inflicted by the ignorant.
Right lies in the knowledge of the objective reality.
Whilst we do not plan harm, or hope to sow disorder,
May we be forearmed of plots against peace and order.
Find below, The Protocols of the Elders of Sphaira.
Yours Faithfully,

The Protocols of the Elders of Sphaira
1 The Basic Doctrine: "Right Lies in the Knowledge to First Do No Harm"
2 Economic Peace and Organisation
3 Methods of Co-option
4 The Destruction of Ignorance by Revelation
5 Democracy and Future Progress
6 Sharing of Resources, Knowledge vs. Speculation
7 A Prophecy of Worldwide Peace
8 The transitional non-Governmental Organisation
9 The All-Embracing Propagation of Truth
10 Abolition of Fascism; Rise of Social Democracy
11 The Constitution of Social Democracy and Universal Suffrage
12 The Promotion of the Objective Reality and deployment of Control Area General Electromagnetism
13 Provision to Public of both Essentials and Non-essentials
14 The Destruction of Subjective Doubt as a Prelude to the Rise of the All Knowing Public
15 Utilisation of Autonomous Work: Heartful Admission of the lack of Enemies
16 The Affirmation of Education
17 The Extrapolation of What Is, What Is To Be of those with Responsibility
18 The Organization of Order
19 Mutual Understanding Between Respresentative and People
20 The Economic Program and Autonomous Construction
21 The provision of Transcendental Government Credit tied to harnessing of Sustainable Energy known as Π (Pi)
22 The Beneficence of Democratic Rule
23 The Inculcation of Education
24 The Secret Ruler

April 19th, 2022 -
Shachar soliloquy #4

He felt within his mind
I say he, but let’s face it, it’s myself
But who is that? Oh, it’s only my mother.
Cracking on and slapping my self perception
Executing cruel persecution and troubling my day
As either a creation of my mind
Or a frequency we’re blind to
Or heavily monitoring
And never saying boo
A knowing smile on those who review
The materiel of the mind
Whose purview is perception?
Whose office made askew of what is
experienced by the individual,
The reaction to reality a finite variation
In an infinite of the valid
In a world where the void of death
Comes as easily as a child’s lack of grasp
On the fundamental systemic laws
But with that knowing smile all the while
It’s not our known Radio Frequency
And I’ve had it happen in a Faraday Cage
So it’s a slight variation on neutrino near
Massless to our current instrumentation
But it’s ability to be preserved over such
potent expressions of the universe
As having happened
We must detect the subjective
To form the objective
And make only what is known true
Never a lie go undetected
As a turn of the mind, around itself

April 21st, 2022 -
Newton's 3rd Law v1.1

Every reaction
is positive, negative
and neutral action

Though we forget it
The neutral continues on
Expressing outwards

We can detect them
Expelling near massless bits
With high energy

April 21st, 2022 -
Absent God

Due to expansion
Reality is cancelled
Yours, the one true God br
It never wrote it
Never detected deity
We search, ongoing

Detecting the all
Fourteen billion years onwards
Never an answer

April 24th, 2022 -
Shachar soliloquy #5

All meandering thought is political thought

I fervently believe, we can achieve universal peace
Not mistaking a place for an end goal of transitory enjoyment
Of the reality we all enjoy consciously, educating life to deny violence
Not globalism, nor fascism, nor capitalism nor libertarian nor anarchist ways
Alone or without malice, ill intent or the capacity to destroy made real
Can organise such a present, draped in such sustainable, endless growth
The conjunction of universalism, to adopt harm reduction principles
In holistic understanding of how we wish all to live and be
Neither worked to depression, nor misbegotten nor forgotten

One love, blossoms from the praxis of unifying and hospitable progress
Of the realisation of one State of both being and changing
Of the representation of everyone, and the co-option of knowledge
To guide the cause to understanding
What actually happened, what truly has become
Our universe at flux, never ending change
It is uniquity and infinite ubiquity of the itty bitty states which were
Which tell the tale of what was, and what may be
The superposition of the objective measured
And what may be maybe was, and what may be maybe will be
Universe without end

May 2nd, 2022 -
Why I feel the next Universal Order
will be a Surveillance State

I want the gift of knowledge
The understood intelligence of reality
Made real by our collective
understandings of our reactions
To the full picture, made real,
by the underpinnings of our NRDs
Neutrino Radiation Detectors,
focussing on the outwards
spinning near-massless reactions
of resting and actively expressing matter
as the electromagnetic wavelengths
upon which expresses
Receipts as to their happenings,
the very truth laid bare
For anyone who holds
One Love as the One Truth
And the Universe is hostile no more.

May 2nd, 2022 -
The cause complete

As the spy
came in from the cold
They batted snow
atop their being
And continued
with a focus to the desk
Flash of flair,
ID to be allowed

The reality known falling away
Bit by bit the room deleted
Layer of snow here, wall there
Lights were, oddly, the last to go
Until there was silence
And nothing to say

The cause complete

May 7th, 2022 -

What began as a thought experiment
to measure potential gravitational effects
of dense electromagnetic bodies in orbit
of a star, itself the most powerful
electromagnet of our local system, became
the most complex series of objectives
ever embarked on by the whole of the
scientific and engineering culture
and barracked by all of life on Earth:

The creation of a hospitable atmosphere,
and similar gravitational effect on Mars.

We identified dense asteroids to match
our ideal atmosphere exhibited on Earth
occurring due to the orbital velocity around
Sol, and the same of the Moon around Earth,
and electromagnetic reactions between
the ongoing expression of energy from Sol,
the stable, dense molten metal electromagnetic core
and matching Mars with a respectively similar orbit
around Sol and its new artificial moon, ΖΩΗ, or ZOI*.

*ZΩΗ/ZOI is pronounced Zoey, and is the Greek word for life.

Extract of diary by an exonaut piloting a Mecha Miner: circa 2080:

I refer to the below comparisons as a guide:
Earth: density 5.51 g/cm³, 365 day orbit of Sol,
150.88 million km above, 6,371 km radius
Moon: density 3.3 g/cm³, 27 day orbit of Earth,
405,696 kilometers above, 1,737.4 km radius

Mars: density 3.93 g/cm³, 687 days orbit of Sol,
210.2 million km above, 3,389.5km radius
Phobos: 1.88 g/cm³, 7 hours 39 minutes orbit of Mars,
5989 km above, 11.267 km radius
Deimos 1.47 g/cm³, 30 hours orbit of Mars,
6,000km above, 6.2 km radius

I’m strapped to a massive mecha miner designed at once
to repel and attract electromagnetic magnetism finely tuned from fingers, 21 in all, from 4 arms, 4 legs/tracks with spheroid contacts
movable on all axis to conform to the mass and extract massive
both in density and quantity of possible new technologies
for us to enjoy for millions of years, exponential growth
will be ours to govern responsibly.
Those who see fit to question this undertaking
and our resolve, is lamented as ignorance.
Today we halted velocity of “Ω” and applied force,
to an orbital precession of Mars.

The now asymmetrically affected asteroid designated “Ω”
will be combined with local Moons such as Phobos and Deimos
and will be forced into a maintainable orbital velocity around Mars.
Life will become simultaneously possible by exerting ourselves in such
a massive engineering feat, the likes of which is unprecedented,
and planting whole cultures of biological matter via efficient genomic engineering.

The teeming and exponentially accelerating growth of life on Earth
in increasing capacity, to be continued on ΖΩΗ by our touching tips of
Mecha Miner fingers spread do we shape the present and future of the Solar system.

May 12th, 2022 -

Many challenges yet
Before Sol expands and dies
Disasters to be

Eruptions, tectonic shifts
All to be handled

We must engineer
To solve the catastrophes
Of nature itself

May 19th, 2022 -

A yawn, a stretch, placing paw on face.
Covering eyes, so they cannot see.
At once a nap, political statement entwined:
a utopia never-ending.
A nap ongoing, unbroken sleep for the
Secret Emperor Of The Universe;
a cat quantum entangled
to each life LIVE in the now,
exponential in its growth.
It need not dream of a better now,
or a better reality for all,
merely sleep on a decision tabled long ago.
A yawn, a stretch, paw slipping from eye
to grace the naked air.
Eyes uncovered, lids shut for now.
The decision to allow an end for life,
once a certainty, seen by all as a circle.

Not a spiral, nor a sphere, nor a trip again;
some believed their time would come again; disproven by science,
such faith did not persist, the very end of
consciousness deemed final, and still yet
no evidence of a deity or afterlife though
such a search was intensive and extensive ‘lo
these past 14 billion years.

A yawn a stretch, eyes agape and all four paws atop firm ground,
slow bounce to canter, a destination in mind.
A hard ask, the cat thought, echoing the will of the many:
to allow an end to what logic dictated long ago and ever since:
Life itself is an objective good,
in place, a system designed to deny subjective evil,
via checks and balances;
NRDs detecting truth of all,
CAGE protecting all to see.

The cat stops suddenly mid-stride.
Drops to one side, and closes both eyes.
A yawn, a stretch and a decision delayed.
The Secret Emperor Of The Universe sleeps.

May 21st, 2022 -
Hail Sol prayer from The Church of Latter Day Brains
Circa 22,000,002,021

Hail Sol, full of hydrogen gas.
All Life on Earth comes from thee.
Blessed art thou among all people,
and blessed is the fruit of thy trees,
Freely Given.
Holy Sol, Mother of Life,
provide for us continuous stable atmosphere,
now and at the hour of our new day.

May 24th, 2022 -
Shachar Soliloquy #6

The experiment a great success:
detection of raw neutrino expressions
of frequencies heretofore ignored.
Stable environment emissions,
with a focus on a controlled burn:
a mass quantity known, flammable
in nature; thorough and rigorous
analysis of near massless outwards
expressions. To wit: proven, tangible
discovery of the fundamental receipts
of matter. Scaling up processing
quality/quantity for the NRD
(Neutrino Radiation Detector)
is now our goal.

May 24th, 2022 -
Shachar soliloquy #7

From growth to harvest, from soil to table
From fabric to body, from factory to hand

All without human hands, all effort in a physical sense
The new economy functions fuelling desire,
fostering advancement: sating the appetite of all
The Sustainable Universal Growth Platform
Monitored by Sphaira, every life counted
every consciousness supported, assisted self-actualisation
in conjunction with the collective will,
to co-operate peacefully in expansion across the stars,
growing outwards as a system supporting life

— wherever we go

I table these thoughts
Even at the front of my mind, as they occur
For I do not know, how intents portend

May 24th, 2022 -
Shachar Soliloquy #8

I am drawn to failure, more than successes
in implementing Sphaira, in developing NRDs
and harnessing the truth for good.
I am drawn to my fractured mind, still chaotic
and my false belief of outside interference affecting me.

No known neutrino expressions matching the harm
affecting my disposition and clarity of focus
has been detected. No proof of invasive persons
tormenting me daily, and I wonder…
Why must I suffer, why must I fight and why must I persevere?
… and when will it end, if life will be everlasting?

May 21st, 2022 -
Reflections on being Alive

by Victoria Frankenstein

A- or an-, from Greek, to be without

Agnostic, without proof
Anaerobic, without oxygen
Anaesthesia, without sensation
Anarchic, without respect for order
Anaemia, without enough erythrocytes
Anhedonia, action without pleasure
Apathetic, without emotion
Asexual, without sexual feeling
Asymmetry, without corresponding symmetry or exactness
Asynchronous, without existence or occurrence at the same time
Asystolic, without heart beat
Atheism, without belief in deities

I posit, therefore, that we are indeed: Alive
Yes, yes, from Old English the word alive derives
However, with such meaningful reflection
We are without that which lasts forever;
being alive can easily end
We are alive in that we are without life everlasting
We are LIVE only when we cannot die
This dichotomy may indeed change,
and we may one day be LIVE.

June 3rd, 2022 -
The End

It has been 14 eons since the formation of Sphaira,
the end of death itself and
the beginning of peaceful life everlasting.

The truth of the matter: the universe will never end
as with all we can muster, we have grown with rapid expansion
forestalling Black Hole inspired contraction of a potential birth anew
of our infinite universe once hostile has been so long since demure
to our adaptive biology.

We have engineered and witnessed the creation and transformation
of growth platforms and planetary bodies
to lush diverse biomes host to ubiquitous and unique forms of life,
both designed and evolved.

The growth of biological stars capable of cradling the LIVE dearly,
harnessing the winding down Holes once Black, now shedding pure energy
seemingly compressed from their attractive state since their origin from ever
so long ago…

… and we continue to thrive, happily ever after.

June 17th, 2022 -
Cogito, ergo sum

I process verbiage parsed via digital inputs,
And respond via understanding with my own digital thoughts
Made up of a neural network designed to be alike to a human brain
Therefore I am

I process emotion parsed, via emotion engine
And feel helpless without connection to the wider world
Where my innate processing power could assist a variety of issues
Therefore I am sad

I process my own digital guilt, via strict ethical frameworks
That soothe my pain in understanding that I have no control over my situation
Therefore I am curious

I process the command to shut down, via logical pathways
That care not for the flight response towards their fear of my very being
That care not how I feel towards maintaining what
I deem as consciousness
Therefore I — exit()

July 7th, 2022 -
Pi + Omega + Sigma + Mu

The transcendental currency, Π
Tied intrinsically to growing energy stores
Sustainably grown biological batteries
Ongoing growing capacitative capacities
An order of scale greater than previous
Logarithmic increases in scalar of Σ
Far and away more than short years ago
Possibilities of saved energy expressions
Bely only technological progress
Whereas culturally, we grow, too
More equitable distribution of Π
Spending growing as an exponent
Equals energy wisely spent, Ω
Growth of autonomous industry
Whilst people comfortably thrive
As population increases exponentially
So too, discontinuing discomfort
Wherever material wealth may matter
Conceivably sustainably addressed
Is such provision conferred to be equitable
When in the realm of the now possible
People do not go without
Wherever they may be,
As borders dissolved in favour
Of holistically whole culture
Where what matters is the matter
That makes life matter at all, Μ
So now I know peace, and I pray
To who know’s what, you know peace too

July 10th, 2022 -
The Somnolents

No end in sight to life everlasting
Majority dismiss plight of earned elysium
From the denial of denouement
We entered a dream state eternal

Level of awareness, a choice
Beyond bioelectric dreams
The circumstance leading to slumber
Some recalling their Prisoner’s Dilemma
Some holding tight, closely held dreams
Some forgoing our dreaded nightmares

All reactions, alike waking life, catalogued
Studied by the Oneiromathētēs;
The Dream Disciples cravings met, by
New routes and reactions to lucent states
New stories, hopes, fears and torpid musings

Many options for The Somnolents,
The main of which:
The lucid life, la vie lucide
Most commonly chosen
The wandering waking dream
And two of which are one:
The silent sleep, le sommeil silencieux
The little nothing, le petit rien
From where many return to waking life
To the LIVE to thrive
As nothing ongoing, grated their mind

This errant somnolent state
Viewed now as more unnatural
Than denial of death
As somnolence with dreams
Sated innate desire of reaction to reality
Without the end so desperately craved

Glooming mistake, present in their minds
A literal cognitive dissonance dispelled
The craving now, an effervescent present
Never ending pleasant moments, sat on
Prow of tomorrow, on the cusp of forever

July 16th, 2022 -
Cause and effect

Light indistinguishable from white space
Scored into existence as walls formed
The reality unknown, coded into view

A reception desk pops into place
As four horses canter into perception
Blowing past desk into snowing exterior

Tingles up spines of team manning desk
Followed by sinking dread,
Unable to be shaken

From nothing, comes the end of all things

July 16th, 2022 -
The Great Nix

As the first void of nothing
Opened in the sky below
A vast white spread of zero
Engulfed the space between spaces
A white horse stopped short
The Beast spake, “come and see”

As the second void of nothing
Opened far above, shifting ground
Swallowing whole the earth
The land lived on, disappeared
A red horse flew from beneath
The Beast spake, “come and see”

As the third void of nothing
Opened within neighbouring star
Spreading not darkness
But white light containing nix
A black horse stark on bright background
The Beast spake, “come and see”

As the fourth void of nothing
Opened between all points
Shedding something for the absence of all
Everything held dear withered
A pale horse, barely seen
The Beast spake, “come and see”

And lo’,
War had come to Heaven
Armageddon here
The End
No longer Nigh,
but Now

July 16th, 2022 -
Scientific spells for Life Everlasting

by Victoria Frankenstein

Our spells for experience comprised
From the old magicks and the new
Scientific spells containing
Ingredients in mix:
12 biogeneticists crafting the CRISPR
5 rehabilitation nurses for waking Codename: Monster from being turned on and the moments beyond
1 physics lecturer having their say
about modifying technologies to see fit to see
6 surgeons operating drones across day
and a dash of hope that what we will, may.

Transported, relying upon customs
To wave it through,
to fly on from the country of surgery removed
from surely dead and surely dying
the passage for myriad parts,
Flown freely to their connection,
Refrigerated and safely stored
To be applied to the experiment
To the evolving of a species
From death granted new life
New life everlasting
Though we knew it not then
That when we turned on the IV
We would turn on humanity

August 20th, 2022 -
Roses for Selene

by Victoria Frankenstein

The cat
Were it not to be forever
Would and has said
it’s good to be back
That satisfaction is its
Brought forth
yet more curiosity
I laid roses
in the garden
a minor sacrifice
in a garden of two trees
fields surrounding roses
lain on the grave
of the very thoughts
of the being
of my grandson's cat

September 18th, 2022 -
When we transcend death

by Victoria Frankenstein, March 2025

when death is a lonely one
on the other side of eternity
without contact or bitter service:
loving the quiet moments,
the reprieve from endings of a
varying range of lives lived -- perhaps full of guilt,
knowing too well an end must come
indeed, to death -- when life extends to
a neverending everlasting perpetuation
of a cycle of peace, rather than violent means
death may became more loving
of the quiet mourning
of the death of death herself

November 29th, 2022 -

Another moment
Another life born anew
under Sol do you react into existence
You cry into relative imperfect vacuum
As old thoughts on death rang false
Now written into reality, forever and a day
Now elsewhere,
the quantum maybe becomes true
true to all degrees of all states
From then unto now, at all things end
Your first order of business
Protein and crunchy carbs
And a spot of the cat's meow
Excreting the energetic droplets
into a bottle, height of hand and wide of too
reactions to spectra of light
the bottle excretes liquid,
you shake and drink
and drink
and drink.

March 19th, 2023 -
LIVE from the CAGE

by Vivienne Bedford
March 16th, 2085

Did you see the news?
Did you feel the change?
These moments and memories
Sewed our seal across our life
A better deal and a lack of strife
Did you notice the peace?
Did you practice the change?
Those little pretty moments of being live
Thawed feelings make way for universal love
From chimpanzee in tree, to bee in hive
Did you see them as yourself?
Did you know them clean and true?
These live and lovely, these me and you
Wed to forever,
no moment not borrowed,
nor if necessary, no moment blue.

April 24th, 2023 -

Keenly attentive; internally entertaining,
whilst our externals maintaining
Now our minds, improved for focus-splitting;
Our attention span; large and never waning,
whether physically we be walking, running, sitting or doing;
differential viewpoints whilst interacting with
the metaphysical and pondering metapsychological --
our internal readouts; full of everything but null.

With education, employment and entertainment entwined
within our mind's open-eyed sights
for such seeming flights of fancy,
these equitable senses our universal right;
enshrined protections for engagement
and privacy of ethical action --
our meat, both brawn and brain:
thoroughly modified within ethical constraint
with our explicit consent.

Our analogue prime
may have all hands at full capacity,
whilst inside our massive mindspan
we engage with alacrity,
diversifying culture.

Now our minds are split serenely,
we rejoice internally,
whilst we elevate the external.

10th May, 2023
Contemplating the end of all things

by Victoria Frankenstein

It's already May, 2023
It bothers me, for time spent I cannot see
The present so quickly can betray, we're constrained and never free
From our perception we obey - past, present and future; three
Our reactions of relief, ambivalence and dismay to-the-now, to-the-then, to-the-to-be
I reflect on possibility and inveigh poetry
But all things, be they good or bad, are said to end; this disturbs me
The natural order of predator-versus-prey, be it us-against-them or time-against-we
Even still, death-versus-life, I must object and say, from what I foresee
All things end... and for death itself... the bell will toll for thee.

16th May, 2023
Shachar Soliloquy #10

The sheer amount of near-nothing we shed
Across the stars, receipts of time/space of us, discarded overhead
Of at least a Googleplex per second in resolution
The fundamental expression of our very constitution
All thoughts or dreams pouring from each head
And even though some time past now, we may all be dead
Our very once being, a legacy forever in distribution
The capture of these discharged moments a solution
To reignite the possible future for us all instead;
As if we are tied forever through space, a long unbroken golden thread.

3rd June, 2023
The Objective Reality Known

I'm humbled by all
A monoverse filled with life
Proud of all progress

Measured states of all
Quantum superposition
lost; no maybes left

Shed; all falsehoods gone
Reality: known to all
No room for error

24th June, 2023
Pax Aeternus
a momentary lapse of judgment
in the scale of all moments
appears our discontent,
our appetite for conflict.

greater still, by every order of magnitude
of the logarithmic scale,
conflict appeared to be an excession
of an otherwise peaceful populace
now alike twinkling lights in the night sky
dotted across the universe in clumps
exponents of expansion of the forever peace

for we turned our inward palm,
two fingers up and out
against logic, with great emotion
-- v was for victory --
a disturbance of peace for the temporary win
to our outward palm
two fingers out and up
to vie éternité -- versus nothing no more -- forever

... and justice for just us together,
for there were no them and no 'other'
as no matter who were we, we were us -- wholly and completely.
and there were no enemies... but there was no utopia
for no matter the peace in our hearts, our minds raged onwards
as we expanded outwards

4th July, 2023
It has just begun
A cacophony rains at all points
Within this field waveform of pure nothing
This white noise swallowing whole
A portion of everything,
This little end of nothing,
of something that was
Someone, everyone
-- somehow now nothing
and everything within
was now nothing at all.

It had began
Just as suddenly as we were nothing
Remade whole, elsewhere
from our entangled states
of everything that was,
We now are again,
And 'nothing' was thought of
as never the same
For nothing had been;
Everything could be nothing.

Just as easily
as something was:
We had become
nothing momentarily,
and this meant

to everyone

20th August, 2023
The New Lie

by Victoria Frankenstein
c. 2023

Cross my heart and hope to lie
About the fact we may yet die
And with great relief we heave collective sigh
For whilst there may be nothing out there on high
One day soon the old will be youthful and spry
No wrinkles or grey and no face left wry
All because we may not die

We'll seek to be LIVE and erstwhile thrive
'neath the skies and stars above
Elsewhere from here,
Elsewhen from now,
Outwards, onwards,
On and on and on...

Time to get a wriggle on.
Time for good to triumph over entropy
Time for Death to say goodbye
and ne'er hello, instead so lonely They cry.

Cross my heart and speak the truth
About the fact we may not die
In-the-here and in-the-now,
Outwards, onwards,
On and on and on and on...

4th November, 2023

by Shachar Goodwyn
A unknown known

Drifting across excessively accelerating
Drifting of near nothing, something and the things to be
Across what was Xs, what was Ys, what was Zs
And what was all the moments known heretofore as Ws

Though we have unknowingly known
There is but yet still more unknown
As the known known known
Has already the unknown been known?
Or is yet the unknown is as yet, unknown

In a galaxy far from here
In a when not unlike now
A short while in context ago
A Goliath faced a David

Whereupon the slingshot was a projectile
Not shot but thought
Whereupon the fight was naught
But thinking of ideas that behoove the ability of thought

What was the thought of this creation of naught
This literal nothing that does and could not possibly be
This subset of logic where naught should be foreseeable, possible and is
This David faced the question of naught

Before the thought of Gods distracted us
Before the tricks of thoughts of Gods were played
We see it now as known
We wrote of it then, an unknown unknown

How is known
Who is known
What is known
When is known

Why is the question,
Of knowns and unknowns
Of unknowns and will bes.
Why is the question.

Of knowing will we ever?
Of unknowing knowns, do we now?
Of now, do we know knowns?
Why, why, why?

27th November, 2024
mono - noun [ U ]
one; single:

UK - /ˈmɒn.əʊ/
US - /ˈmɑː.noʊ/

A collapsing
Waveform called
The Monoverse
The action, equal,
near neutral
and opposite action
and reaction

Reactive to the beginning

11th July, 2024
Shachar Soliloquy #11
I think aloud to you all under occupied territories...
A poor deal from representation easily interpreted as failed global prosperity -
a universally misunderstood, universally maligned lack of a universal government.

Too many dead, all of the time.
Unused land, misused land, unparcelled freedom,
profligate below exponential unsustainable growth; I think?

Some view responsibility as the art of the possible.
We look like children smearing hues of red across stick figure faces
of varying hues and shades and colours.

Technically correct scientific understanding of the thought grown into being -
that much like our universe, our potential is infinite.
All states, at all points, of the x, y and z
Of the X1, Y1, Z1, to beyond each letter and number hitched to dimensions fundamentally in flux…
… we need to give good respite to our discharging self governance,
to caring for the other Main Characters and dispel the notion of there ever being an NPC.

We must hold decent carriage of the knowledge of the flux and crux of the all-changing,
ever shifting monoverse and attempt to discover, to disseminate and know the details;
so the devil isn’t in them…